Ranking My Favorite Artists: A Step-by-Step Guide to Counting Music Plays
Image by Shalamar - hkhazo.biz.id

Ranking My Favorite Artists: A Step-by-Step Guide to Counting Music Plays

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Music is a vital part of my daily life, and I’m sure it’s the same for many of you out there. But have you ever wondered how often you listen to your favorite artists? I recently set out to answer this question and rank my most played artists from top to bottom. In this article, I’ll walk you through the process I used to count the number of times I’ve played music from my favorite artists and how I ranked them from most played to least played.

Step 1: Gathering Data

The first step in this process is to gather data on your music listening history. There are a few ways to do this, but I’ll cover three common methods:

  • iTunes: If you’re an iTunes user, you can find your play count data by following these steps:
iTunes > Music > Library > Songs
Right-click on the column headers and select "Play Count"
  • Spotify: If you’re a Spotify user, you can find your play count data by following these steps:
Spotify > Account > Private Session > Recently Played
Scroll down to the "Top Artists" section
  • Last.fm: If you’re a Last.fm user, you can find your play count data by following these steps:
Last.fm > Profile > Charts > Top Artists

For this example, I’ll be using my iTunes play count data.

Step 2: Cleaning and Organizing Data

Once you have your play count data, it’s time to clean and organize it. I recommend creating a spreadsheet to make things easier to manage. You can use Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, or any other spreadsheet software you prefer.

Create a table with the following columns:

Artist Play Count
Artist Name Number of Plays

Paste your play count data into the spreadsheet, making sure to separate each artist and their corresponding play count into individual rows.

Step 3: Removing Duplicates and Irrelevant Data

Depending on how you gathered your data, you might have duplicates or irrelevant information in your spreadsheet. Take this opportunity to remove any unnecessary rows or columns.

In my case, I had to remove rows with missing artist names or play counts. I also removed any artists with less than 10 plays, as they weren’t significant enough to include in my ranking.

Step 4: Ranking Artists by Play Count

Now it’s time to rank your artists by their play count. Simply sort your table by the “Play Count” column in descending order (highest to lowest).

This will give you a clear list of your most played artists, with the top artist having the highest play count.

Step 5: Visualizing the Data

To make the data more engaging and easy to understand, consider creating a visualization. You can use a bar chart or a pie chart to display the top artists and their corresponding play counts.

In my case, I created a bar chart using Google Sheets, with the x-axis representing the artist names and the y-axis representing the play counts.

Step 6: Analyzing the Results

Now that you have your ranked list and visualization, take some time to analyze the results. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Which artists dominate my listening habits?
  • Are there any surprises or hidden gems in my list?
  • How does my listening habits change over time?

In my case, I was surprised to see that my top artist was a lesser-known indie band, despite having a large collection of popular artists in my library. This exercise has given me a new appreciation for my music tastes and has encouraged me to explore more of my favorite artists’ discographies.


Ranking my favorite artists by play count has been a fascinating exercise that has given me a deeper understanding of my music listening habits. By following these steps, you can do the same and gain valuable insights into your own listening habits.

Remember, the process is customizable to your needs and preferences. Feel free to modify the steps to fit your specific situation, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your visualization and analysis.

So, go ahead and take the challenge! Count your music plays, rank your favorite artists, and discover new insights into your listening habits.

Bonus: Scripting with Python

If you’re comfortable with programming, you can take your data analysis to the next level by scripting with Python. Here’s an example script that uses the `pandas` library to read in your spreadsheet data and generate a ranked list of artists:

import pandas as pd

# Read in the spreadsheet data
data = pd.read_csv('play_counts.csv')

# Remove duplicates and irrelevant data
data = data[data['Play Count'] >= 10]

# Rank artists by play count
data.sort_values(by='Play Count', ascending=False, inplace=True)

# Print the ranked list

This script assumes you have a CSV file named `play_counts.csv` containing your spreadsheet data. Modify the script to fit your specific needs, and explore the many libraries and tools available in Python for data analysis.

Happy coding!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, ranking my favorite artists by play count has been a rewarding experience that has given me a new perspective on my music listening habits. By following these steps, you can do the same and gain valuable insights into your own listening habits.

Remember to stay creative, experiment with different visualization and analysis techniques, and most importantly, have fun exploring your music listening habits!

Frequently Asked Question

Got a burning question about counting your favorite artists’ plays? We’ve got you covered!

How do I even start counting my favorite artists’ plays?

Start by making a list of all the music platforms you use (e.g., Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, etc.). Then, go through each platform and gather data on how many times you’ve played songs from each of your favorite artists. You can usually find this info in your profile or listening history. Easy peasy!

What if I don’t remember all my favorite artists?

Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! Take a few minutes to scroll through your music libraries, playlists, or even social media to jog your memory. You can also ask friends or family members for recommendations or check out online music communities to discover new artists.

How do I count plays from different platforms?

Simple! Just add up the number of plays from each platform for each artist. For example, if you’ve played Artist A’s songs 10 times on Spotify and 5 times on Apple Music, that’s a total of 15 plays. You can create a spreadsheet or use a note-taking app to keep track of the numbers.

Do I need to include remixes or collaborations in the count?

That’s up to you! If you want to get super specific, you can count only solo tracks by each artist. But if you want to include remixes or collaborations, go for it! Just make sure to be consistent in your counting method across all artists.

What’s the best way to display my ranked list?

Get creative! You can make a physical poster, create a graphic for social media, or even write a blog post about your findings. Whatever method you choose, be sure to have fun with it and show off your favorite artists’ plays with pride!

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