Uploading Large XML Files with Kendo Upload Control in AngularJS: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Shalamar - hkhazo.biz.id

Uploading Large XML Files with Kendo Upload Control in AngularJS: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to upload large XML files using Kendo Upload Control in AngularJS? You’re not alone! Uploading massive files can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with files as large as 12GB. In this article, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of uploading large XML files using Kendo Upload Control in AngularJS. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

Understanding the Challenges of Uploading Large Files

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the challenges of uploading large files. When dealing with massive files, you’ll encounter issues like:

  • Timeouts**: Large files take a long time to upload, which can lead to timeouts and failed uploads.
  • Memory Limitations**: Most browsers and servers have limitations on the amount of memory that can be used for file uploads, making it difficult to handle large files.
  • File Size Restrictions**: Many servers and applications have file size restrictions, making it impossible to upload large files.

Configuring Kendo Upload Control for Large File Uploads

To overcome these challenges, we’ll need to configure the Kendo Upload Control to handle large file uploads. Here’s how:

Step 1: Increase the Maximum File Size

By default, Kendo Upload Control has a maximum file size limit of 10MB. To increase this limit, you’ll need to set the `maxFileSize` property. For example:

<kendo-upload k-options="uploadOptions">

    $scope.uploadOptions = {
        async: {
            saveUrl: 'uploadUrl',
            removeUrl: 'removeUrl'
        uploadDir: 'uploads',
        maxFileSize: 12000000000 // 12GB in bytes

Step 2: Enable Chunk Uploads

Chunk uploading allows you to break down the large file into smaller chunks, making it easier to upload. To enable chunk uploads, set the `chunkEnabled` property to `true`:

<kendo-upload k-options="uploadOptions">

    $scope.uploadOptions = {
        async: {
            saveUrl: 'uploadUrl',
            removeUrl: 'removeUrl'
        uploadDir: 'uploads',
        maxFileSize: 12000000000, // 12GB in bytes
        chunkEnabled: true

Step 3: Configure the Upload Options

You’ll also need to configure the upload options to handle large file uploads. Set the `batch` property to `false` and the `parallel` property to `true`:

<kendo-upload k-options="uploadOptions">

    $scope.uploadOptions = {
        async: {
            saveUrl: 'uploadUrl',
            removeUrl: 'removeUrl'
        uploadDir: 'uploads',
        maxFileSize: 12000000000, // 12GB in bytes
        chunkEnabled: true,
        batch: false,
        parallel: true

Server-Side Configuration for Large File Uploads

Configuring the Kendo Upload Control is only half the battle. You’ll also need to configure your server to handle large file uploads. Here are some server-side configurations to consider:

Increasing the Request Timeout

Large file uploads can take a long time, so you’ll need to increase the request timeout on your server. The exact configuration will depend on your server software, but here’s an example for IIS:

    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="3600" />

Configuring theMaximum Request Length

You’ll also need to increase the maximum request length on your server. This will allow your server to accept larger file uploads. Here’s an example for IIS:

            <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="12000000000" />

Handling Large File Uploads with AngularJS and Kendo Upload Control

Now that we’ve configured the Kendo Upload Control and our server, let’s see how to handle large file uploads with AngularJS:

<div ng-controller="UploadController">
    <kendo-upload k-options="uploadOptions">

    angular.module('myApp').controller('UploadController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
        $scope.uploadOptions = {
            async: {
                saveUrl: 'uploadUrl',
                removeUrl: 'removeUrl'
            uploadDir: 'uploads',
            maxFileSize: 12000000000, // 12GB in bytes
            chunkEnabled: true,
            batch: false,
            parallel: true

        $scope.uploadStatus = '';

        $scope.uploadSuccess = function(e) {
            $scope.uploadStatus = 'File uploaded successfully!';

        $scope.uploadError = function(e) {
            $scope.uploadStatus = 'Error uploading file: ' + e.XMLHttpRequest.responseText;

Troubleshooting Large File Uploads with Kendo Upload Control and AngularJS

Even with the correct configuration, you may still encounter issues with large file uploads. Here are some common troubleshooting tips:

Error Solution
Timeouts Increase the request timeout on your server and adjust the `executionTimeout` property in your Kendo Upload Control configuration.
Memory Limitations Increase the memory limit on your server and adjust the `maxRequestLength` property in your Kendo Upload Control configuration.
File Size Restrictions Adjust the `maxFileSize` property in your Kendo Upload Control configuration to match the maximum file size allowed by your server.


Uploading large XML files using Kendo Upload Control in AngularJS requires careful configuration and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to successfully upload large files using Kendo Upload Control. Remember to configure your server to handle large file uploads, increase the request timeout, and adjust the maximum request length to ensure a smooth upload process.

With these tips and configurations in place, you’ll be able to upload even the largest XML files with ease. Happy uploading!

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “How can i upload a large xml about 12G using kendo upload control in AngularJS?” and is at least 1000 words, covering the topic comprehensively and providing clear instructions and explanations.Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How can I upload a large XML file about 12G using Kendo Upload control in AngularJS?”:

Frequently Asked Question

Got a massive XML file that’s giving you upload headaches? We’ve got the answers to help you overcome the challenges of uploading a large XML file using Kendo Upload control in AngularJS!

Q1: Is there a file size limit for Kendo Upload control?

By default, Kendo Upload control has a file size limit of 10MB. However, you can increase this limit by setting the `maxFileSize` property to a higher value, such as 12GB in your case. Keep in mind that you may also need to adjust the server-side settings to allow for larger file uploads.

Q2: How can I handle server-side limitations for large file uploads?

To handle server-side limitations, you’ll need to configure your server to allow for larger file uploads. For example, in IIS, you can set the `maxAllowedContentLength` and `maxRequestLength` properties in the web.config file. Additionally, ensure that your server has sufficient resources (e.g., memory, disk space) to handle large file uploads.

Q3: What’s the best approach for chunking large XML files for upload?

To upload large XML files, consider using chunking, which involves breaking down the file into smaller chunks and uploading them separately. Kendo Upload control provides built-in support for chunking. Simply set the `chunkSize` property to a suitable value (e.g., 10MB) and the control will handle the chunking and uploading process for you.

Q4: Are there any performance considerations I should be aware of when uploading large XML files?

Yes, uploading large XML files can be resource-intensive and impact performance. To mitigate this, consider using techniques like parallel uploading, where multiple chunks are uploaded simultaneously. Additionally, ensure that your server is optimized for handling large file uploads and has sufficient resources to handle the increased load.

Q5: How can I monitor and handle upload errors for large XML files?

To monitor and handle upload errors, use the Kendo Upload control’s built-in error handling mechanisms, such as the `error` event. You can also use techniques like retrying failed uploads or displaying error messages to the user. Additionally, consider implementing logging and analytics to track upload errors and identify areas for improvement.