The Tigris Package Conundrum: Solving the GDAL Error 1 after R Update
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The Tigris Package Conundrum: Solving the GDAL Error 1 after R Update

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating error message “GDAL Error 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db” when trying to use the Tigris package after updating R? You’re not alone! Many R enthusiasts have fallen prey to this issue, leaving them scratching their heads and wondering what went wrong. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to conquer this error and get your Tigris package up and running smoothly.

What’s causing the error?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the problem. The Tigris package relies heavily on the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) and PROJ libraries to function correctly. When you update R, these libraries might not be updated simultaneously, leading to version conflicts and the dreaded error message.

The PROJ.db conundrum

The PROJ library uses a database file called proj.db to store various projection parameters. This file is usually located in the PROJ installation directory. However, during the R update process, the PROJ library might not be updated correctly, resulting in the proj.db file becoming inaccessible or outdated.

Solving the error: A step-by-step guide

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s get to the fun part – fixing it! Follow these steps carefully to resolve the GDAL Error 1 and get your Tigris package working again:

Step 1: Update your PROJ library

First, you’ll need to update your PROJ library to the latest version. You can do this using the following methods:

  • install.packages("proj4") (for Windows users)
  • sudo apt-get install proj-bin (for Linux users)
  • brew install proj (for Mac users using Homebrew)

Once you’ve updated your PROJ library, restart your R session to ensure the changes take effect.

Step 2: Reinstall the rgdal package

The rgdal package is a crucial dependency for the Tigris package. Reinstalling it can help resolve the issue:


Make sure to install the package from source by setting the INSTALL_opts argument:

install.packages("rgdal", INSTALL_opts = "--with-proj-include=/usr/local/include")

Replace /usr/local/include with the actual path to your PROJ installation directory.

Step 3: Update your Tigris package

Now that you’ve updated your PROJ library and reinstalled the rgdal package, it’s time to update your Tigris package:


Step 4: Verify the installation

Load the Tigris package and check if it’s working correctly:


If everything is installed correctly, you should be able to load the ca_tracts dataset without encountering any errors.

Troubleshooting common issues

Even after following the above steps, you might still encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue 1: PROJ library not found

If you encounter an error message stating that the PROJ library cannot be found, ensure that the library is installed correctly and the path to the proj.db file is correct.

Issue 2: GDAL Error 1 persists

If the GDAL Error 1 persists after updating your PROJ library and reinstalling the rgdal package, try reinstalling the GDAL library:


Issue 3: Tigris package installation fails

If the Tigris package installation fails, check if you have the necessary dependencies installed, such as the rgdal package and the GDAL library.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully resolved the GDAL Error 1 and gotten your Tigris package up and running again. Remember to update your PROJ library and rgdal package regularly to avoid future conflicts. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle any errors that come your way, ensuring a seamless experience with the Tigris package.

Keyword Relevance
Tigris package High
GDAL Error 1 High
PROJ library Medium
R update Low

This article is optimized for the keyword “Tigris package produces error after R update: GDAL Error 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db” to help users find a reliable solution to this common issue.

Frequently Asked Question

Don’t let the Tigris package error get in the way of your R exploration! Here are some answers to frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and get back on track.

What is the Tigris package error about?

The error you’re seeing is likely due to a recent R update, which has affected the Tigris package’s ability to connect with GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library). Specifically, it’s related to the PROJ library, which is used for coordinate system transformations.

Why can’t PROJ identify the proj.db file?

The `proj.db` file is usually installed along with the PROJ library. However, with the R update, the file path might have changed, causing PROJ to lose track of it. You might need to update your PROJ installation or reinstall the Tigris package to fix this issue.

How do I update my PROJ installation?

To update your PROJ installation, you can try reinstalling the `sf` package in R, which depends on PROJ. Run `install.packages(“sf”)` in your R console to update PROJ. If you’re on a Windows system, you might need to install the PROJ wheel file manually.

What if updating PROJ doesn’t solve the issue?

If updating PROJ doesn’t work, you can try reinstalling the Tigris package itself. Run `install.packages(“tigris”)` in your R console to reinstall the package. Make sure to restart your R session after reinstalling.

Are there any alternative packages I can use?

If you’re experiencing persistent issues with the Tigris package, you can consider using alternative packages like `rgdal` or `GDAL` directly. These packages provide similar functionality for working with geospatial data in R.