Boost Trivial Log – Custom Severity Name: Unlocking Flexibility in Your Logging System
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Boost Trivial Log – Custom Severity Name: Unlocking Flexibility in Your Logging System

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Are you tired of using the default severity levels in Boost Trivial Log, such as debug, info, warning, error, and fatal? Do you want to create custom severity names that better suit your logging needs? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to create custom severity names in Boost Trivial Log, giving you the flexibility to tailor your logging system to your specific requirements.

Why Use Custom Severity Names?

Boost Trivial Log provides a convenient and efficient way to log messages in your C++ application. However, the default severity levels may not always be sufficient for your specific use case. By creating custom severity names, you can:

  • Define severity levels that are more relevant to your application’s specific needs
  • Provide more granular control over logging levels
  • Enhance logging flexibility and customizability


Before diving into the implementation, make sure you have:

  • Boost Trivial Log installed and configured in your C++ project
  • A basic understanding of C++ programming and Boost libraries

Creating Custom Severity Names

To create custom severity names, you’ll need to define a custom logging severity level and register it with the Boost Trivial Log system. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the Custom Severity Level

enum custom_severity_level {
    // Add more custom severity levels as needed

In this example, we’ve defined an enumeration `custom_severity_level` with three custom severity levels: `SEVERITY_TRACE`, `SEVERITY.:.:.:`, and `SEVERITY.:.:.:`. You can add more levels as needed, depending on your application’s requirements.

Step 2: Register the Custom Severity Level with Boost Trivial Log

BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTES_KEYWORD(custom_severity, "CustomSeverity", custom_severity_level)

In this step, we register the custom severity level with Boost Trivial Log using the `BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTES_KEYWORD` macro. The first argument `custom_severity` is the name of the attribute, the second argument `”CustomSeverity”` is the display name of the attribute, and the third argument `custom_severity_level` is the type of the attribute.

Using Custom Severity Names in Your Logging Code

Now that you’ve defined and registered your custom severity level, you can use it in your logging code. Here’s an example:

int main() {
    // Initialize the logging system
    boost::log::core::get()->set_filter(boost::log::trivial::severity >= SEVERITY_TRACE);

    // Log a message with the custom severity level
    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(custom_severity, SEVERITY_TRACE) << "This is a trace message";

    return 0;

In this example, we've set the logging filter to include messages with severity `SEVERITY_TRACE` and above. We then log a message with the custom severity level `SEVERITY_TRACE` using the `BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL` macro.

Customizing the Severity Level Display

By default, the custom severity level will be displayed as the enumeration value (e.g., 0, 1, 2, etc.). If you want to display a more meaningful string, you can use the `BOOST_LOG_MESSAGE_HANDLER` macro to define a custom message handler:

BOOST_LOG_MESSAGE_HANDLER_ATTR(custom_severity_handler, custom_severity, "CustomSeverity") {
    switch (attr.get()) {
        return "TRACE";
    case SEVERITY.:.:.::
        return ".:.:.:.";
    case SEVERITY.:.:.::
        return ".:.:.:.";
        return "UNKNOWN";

In this example, we've defined a custom message handler `custom_severity_handler` that takes the custom severity level as input and returns a string representation of the severity level.


In this article, we've shown you how to create custom severity names in Boost Trivial Log, giving you the flexibility to tailor your logging system to your specific requirements. By following these steps, you can define and use custom severity levels that better suit your application's needs.

Additional Resources

For more information on Boost Trivial Log and custom severity levels, check out the following resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about custom severity names in Boost Trivial Log:

Question Answer
Can I use custom severity names with other logging systems? Yes, the concepts described in this article can be applied to other logging systems, such as log4cxx or spdlog.
How do I prioritize custom severity levels? You can prioritize custom severity levels by assigning a priority value to each level. For example, you can use an enumeration with a specific order, such as `SEVERITY_TRACE = 0`, `SEVERITY_INFO = 1`, etc.
Can I use custom severity names with Boost Log v2? Yes, the concepts described in this article are applicable to Boost Log v2. However, the API may differ slightly.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to creating custom severity names in Boost Trivial Log. Happy logging!

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    Frequently Asked Question

    Get ready to boost your knowledge about Boost trivial log with custom severity names!

    What is the purpose of custom severity names in Boost trivial log?

    Custom severity names in Boost trivial log allow you to categorize log messages according to your specific needs, making it easier to filter, search, and analyze log data. This feature gives you the flexibility to define severity levels that align with your application's requirements, rather than being limited to the standard severity levels.

    How do I define a custom severity name in Boost trivial log?

    To define a custom severity name, you need to use the BOOST_LOG_SEV macro provided by Boost trivial log. This macro takes two arguments: the severity level and the custom severity name. For example, you can define a custom severity level called "NOTICE" with the following code: `BOOST_LOG_SEV(my_logger::get(), custom_severity("NOTICE"))`.

    Can I use custom severity names with the standard log levels in Boost trivial log?

    Yes, you can use custom severity names alongside the standard log levels (such as debug, info, warning, error, and fatal) in Boost trivial log. This allows you to have a more fine-grained control over your logging and to log messages that don't fit into the standard severity categories.

    How do I filter log messages based on custom severity names in Boost trivial log?

    To filter log messages based on custom severity names, you can use the `BOOST_LOG_FILTER` macro provided by Boost trivial log. You can specify a filter that matches the custom severity name, and the logging core will only pass through log messages that meet the filter criteria.

    Are custom severity names thread-safe in Boost trivial log?

    Yes, custom severity names are thread-safe in Boost trivial log. The logging library takes care of synchronizing access to the logging core, so you can use custom severity names in multi-threaded applications without worrying about concurrency issues.